Our skin is the body's largest organ and it reflects our organism and our soul. When we are happy, satisfied and healthy, our skin glows. On the other hand, if we add pollutants to our body, smoke, sleep poorly, the skin looks pale and not very radiant.
Almond oil is a real all-rounder and is contained in many of our products. But why exactly is almond oil so good for the skin? And how do you apply it so that it can unfold its full effect?
It's no longer a fringe phenomenon: for many of us today everything is too much, everything too fast - even very young people complain about it. We live in fast-paced times, no question. But with a few small adjustments, everyone can bring some deceleration into their lives. Learn how to do more with less.
It plagues everyone at some point: restless tossing and turning in bed at bedtime. How can I get rid of the inner restlessness? Where does the inner restlessness before falling asleep have its causes? What relaxation methods can I use to fall asleep better? How can I find lasting relaxation? Find out now!
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